Expenses Tabs

The Expenses area is where you enter the expenses you are claiming for reimbursement.

In Wizard mode, the Expenses tab displays after you successfully save the report following entry of basic report information. From the table, you can add, edit, and delete expenses.

In Form view of Expert mode, the Expenses area displays at the bottom of the Manage Expense Report form, and the header for this area, which includes the Expense toolbar, remains in view on every expense entry tab.

The header area in Expert mode is comparable to the Expenses table in Wizard mode, and most of the fields displays in either mode. In both modes, the tabs and associated fields that display depend on the type of expense you add. For example, if you add a lodging expense, you will not see input fields related to a mileage expense.

In Wizard mode, all the tabs related to expense entry display in the left navigation pane, and you move from tab to tab by clicking the green Continue button on the Wizard input screen.

In Expert mode, by contrast, the tabs display underneath the Expenses header. You do not have to enter data in sequence, but the form is subject to all the same validations that occur in Wizard mode.